sábado, 16 de abril de 2016


Provisional list of Parties that have indicated their intentions to sign the Paris Agreement
Information as of 14 April, 2016
The Paris Agreement will be open for signature by the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on 22 April and will remain open for signature for one year. This list only contains information about States that will participate in the Signature Ceremony on 22 April and is subject to change.
(*) States that have indicated that they intend to sign the Paris Agreement at the Ceremony for the Opening for Signature, on 22 April 2016. This information is subject to change: the definitive list of States that have signed the Agreement will only be made available following the ceremony.
 (**) States that have indicated that they intend to sign the Paris Agreement and deposit their instrument of ratification at the Ceremony for the Opening for Signature, on 22 April 2016. This information is subject to change: the definitive list of States that have ratified the Agreement will only be made available following the ceremony.
 No asterisk indicates that informal confirmation has been received.
  1. Afghanistan*
  2. Albania*
  3. Algeria*
  4. Andorra*
  5. Antigua and Barbuda*
  6. Argentina*
  7. Australia*
  8. Austria*
  9. Bahamas*
  10. Bahrain
  11. Bangladesh*
  12. Barbados**
  13. Belarus*
  14. Belize**
  15. Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
  16. Bosnia and Herzegovina*
  17. Brazil*
  18. Brunei Darussalam*
  19. Bulgaria*
  20. Burkina Faso*
  21. Burundi*
  22. Cabo Verde*
  23. Cambodia*
  24. Cameroon*
  25. Canada*
  26. Central African Republic*
  27. Chile*
  28. China*
  29. Colombia*
  30. Congo*
  31. Costa Rica*
  32. Cote d’Ivoire*
  33. Croatia*
  34. Cuba*
  35. Cyprus*
  36. Czech Republic*
  37. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea*
  38. Democratic Republic of Congo*
  39. Denmark*
  40. Djibouti
  41. Dominica*
  42. Dominican Republic*
  43. Eritrea*
  44. Estonia
  45. European Union
  46. Fiji**
  47. Finland*
  48. France*
  49. Gabon*
  50. Georgia*
  51. Germany*
  52. Ghana
  53. Greece
  54. Grenada*
  55. Guatemala*
  56. Guinea
  57. Guyana*
  58. Haiti*
  59. Honduras*
  60. Hungary
  61. Iceland
  62. India
  63. Indonesia*
  64. Iran (Islamic Republic of) *
  65. Israel*
  66. Italy*
  67. Jamaica*
  68. Japan
  69. Kenya*
  70. Kiribati*
  71. Kuwait*
  72. Lao People’s Democratic Republic*
  73. Latvia*
  74. Lebanon*
  75. Libya*
  76. Liechtenstein*
  77. Lithuania*
  78. Luxembourg*
  79. Madagascar*
  80. Malaysia*
  81. Maldives**
  82. Mali*
  83. Malta*
  84. Marshall Islands*
  85. Mauritius*
  86. Mexico
  87. Micronesia (Federated States of) *
  88. Monaco*
  89. Mongolia
  90. Montenegro*
  91. Morocco*
  92. Mozambique
  93. Myanmar*
  94. Namibia*
  95. Nauru**
  96. Nepal
  97. New Zealand*
  98. Niger*
  99. Norway*
  100. Oman*
  101. Pakistan*
  102. Palau*
  103. Panama*
  104. Papua New Guinea*
  105. Paraguay*
  106. Peru*
  107. Philippines*
  108. Poland*
  109. Portugal*
  110. Republic of Korea
  111. Romania
  112. Rwanda*
  113. Saint Kitts and Nevis*
  114. Saint Lucia**
  115. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines*
  116. Samoa**
  117. San Marino*
  118. Sao Tome and Principe
  119. Senegal*
  120. Serbia*
  121. Sierra Leone*
  122. Singapore*
  123. Slovakia*
  124. Slovenia*
  125. Solomon Islands*
  126. Somalia*
  127. South Africa*
  128. South Sudan*
  129. Spain*
  130. Sri Lanka*
  131. State of Palestine*
  132. Sudan*
  133. Suriname
  134. Swaziland*
  135. Sweden*
  136. Switzerland*
  137. Tajikistan
  138. Thailand
  139. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia*
  140. Timor-Leste*
  141. Togo*
  142. Tonga*
  143. Tunisia*
  144. Turkey
  145. Tuvalu**
  146. Uganda*
  147. United Arab Emirates
  148. United Kingdom*
  149. United Republic of Tanzania*
  150. United States of America*
  151. Uruguay*
  152. Vanuatu*
  153. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) *
  154. Viet Nam*
  155. Zimbabwe*

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