Open questions: are
the dynamics of ecological communities predictable?
H Charles J Godfray* and Robert M May
* Corresponding author:
H Charles J Godfray
Author Affiliations
Department of Zoology, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS, UK
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BMC Biology 2014, 12:22
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Einstein famously said that the ‘most incomprehensible thing
about the universe is that it is comprehensible’ [1]. Perhaps the key question
in ecology today is the degree to which the dynamics of ecological communities
are comprehensible.
All ecological communities are made up of large numbers of
species that interact in myriad ways with each other. They can be
conceptualized as dynamic systems where it may be necessary to describe the
spatial location, age, sex, genotype or other properties (states) of the
individuals that comprise populations of different species [2]. How a species’
density and state distribution change over time is determined by complex and
often poorly understood functions of that (and other) species’ densities and
states. Evolutionary processes ultimately shape these functions. The historical
and contingent nature of Darwinian evolution leads to a bewildering variety of
forms of interaction, far beyond those observed in complex non-biological
systems. Evolution also means that the functions and parameters that describe
the system’s behavior may change over time so that the ecological dynamics are
embedded in a larger arena of evolutionary dynamics [3].
Ecologists want to understand many things about how natural
communities came to be as they are. An increasingly pressing concern is to be
able to say what happens when communities experience a perturbation. Will the
community dampen or amplify the perturbation, or will profound regime change
occur? Are there general rules that will guide our stewardship of natural
communities and allow us to protect the services they provide us [4]?
Faced with this complexity and the impossibility of ever
being able to describe completely the underlying dynamics, ecologists have
pursued several strategies, some with great success. The obvious approach is to
simplify the problem, which can be done in different ways.
If a particular set of species interact more strongly with
each other than with the rest of the community, then it may be possible to abstract
and analyze their joint dynamics. This is classical single and multiple species
population dynamics, which has given us unparalleled insights into many
ecological interactions, and lies at the core of much applied ecology involving
conservation, resource management and epidemiology [5]. It is currently
enjoying a renaissance spurred by advances in linking modeling with data (for
example, [6]). Nevertheless, this approach tends to run into the sands as the
number of species becomes more than a handful. One possible exception is when
the behavior of a whole ecosystem is critically dependent on the dynamics of
one or a few ‘keystone’ species. A classic example of this is the importance of
starfish (Figure 1) in maintaining diversity in north-west American
coastal communities [7]. But often the role of keystone species is recognized
only after a perturbation.
Figure 1. Pisaster ochraceus is a keystone predator in
intertidal communities in the American north-west. In a classic experiment
Robert Paine removed starfish from the shoreline and found the communities
became much less diverse and dominated by a single species of mussel (Mytilus
californianus). Image credit: D. Gordon E. Robertson.
A second tactic is to make simplifications about how species
interact. For example, an assemblage of species might be assumed to interact
solely through competition for resources. This has been particularly successful
in plant ecology because of the common basic requirements for plant growth -
sunlight, water, a limited set of nutrients [8]. Using multispecies forest
models, the possible responses to perturbations, such as climate change, can be
explored [9]. But does it matter omitting the other components of the
community: the mycorrhizal fungi often essential to nutrient acquisition, plant
diseases and large and small herbivores. Taking this approach to extremes,
neutral models of plant communities assume all individuals of all species are
equivalent and interact with each other to the same extent [10]. Despite this
gross simplification, some of the macroecological patterns produced by these
models (for example, species-abundance distributions) are surprisingly close to
those observed in nature [11], suggesting that they arise from the general
statistics of assemblages rather than being of biological origin.
If a system is near to equilibrium, it is reasonable to
assume that the dynamics of each species can be described as linear functions
of the densities and states of other species. Linearization is a very powerful
mathematical tool that has given great insights into community structure - for
example, showing that the intuitive link between complexity and system
stability is not necessarily true [12]. It can potentially address the
perturbation question, but only for systems near equilibrium subject to
relatively mild perturbation. Mathematical theory exists, in principle, for
exploring broader classes of perturbation though in practice the complexity of
biological systems frustrates deep analytical insights.
A final simplification is to lump species together into
functional groups, or to dispense with species altogether and model the fluxes
of energy, carbon, water or other quantity [13,14]. For example, different
plant species may simply be characterized as herbs, forbs, trees, or
nitrogen-fixers, or more complex classifications can be employed [15]. Again,
this can give important insights, though such models also become complex quite
quickly. They also cannot address questions of how perturbations affect biodiversity
- a tree monoculture may have similar carbon stocks and flows to a much more
diverse forest - nor do they easily lend themselves to answering evolutionary
Simplifications and assumptions, what is sometimes (and
slightly sneeringly) called the reductionist agenda, have delivered powerful
insights into many aspects of ecological dynamics. But they have not provided a
general theory of how ecological communities respond to perturbation. Are there
Complexity theory is a portmanteau term for a diverse
collection of mathematical results and conjectures on complex systems [16-21].
It studies systems that exist far from equilibrium and whose intrinsic dynamics
are typically both chaotic and high dimensional. It asks whether their dynamics
typically come to occupy a subset of possible system states or configurations
(sometimes described as self-organization). This is a rich and interesting
subject that often takes its inspiration from biological systems. It is still a
young and occasionally flaky field that perhaps in ecology has so far been more
productive at generating interesting think pieces and metaphors than deep
insights into how biological communities actually behave. Nevertheless, it is
one of the most likely sources of new ideas and innovation to increase our
understanding of the resilience of ecological systems.
Ecology is a young subject. The British Ecological Society,
which is the world’s oldest ecological organization, celebrated its centenary
only last year, and the American Ecological Society does so next year. The
first half-century focused, sensibly enough, on cataloguing the variety of
plants and animals found in different regions, and on codifying the differences
among them. More recent work focuses on the whys and wherefores of these
Such research differs in an important way from most other
areas of science, in that ever-increasing numbers of humans, each on average
with a greater ‘ecological footprint’, are having serious impacts on natural
ecosystems. We are in critical need of a better understanding of how
communities of plants and animals put themselves together, and how the
ecological services they deliver - not accounted for in conventional economics
metrics such as gross domestic product (GDP) - are likely to be affected by
habitat destruction, introduced aliens and many other consequences of human
activity. This understanding must then be coupled with new social-science and
economic thinking to craft policies to enable humans to flourish in an
environment where substantial natural biodiversity is allowed to survive.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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